To review changes in the files, use the Changes, Blame, Log, and Merge tabs on each document, illustrated earlier in this topic. See the current branch in the Solution Window, next to the project name: Reviewing and committing. Read more about tracking branches in the Git documentation. The steps mentioned in ios:debug will remain common in ios:release except exporting the Plist path to the Plist file corresponding to production and release mode. You can also set a remote branch to your tracking branch. You can install software for the Gitlab Runner and register your mac machine following this documentation: That will open up a Git View of the project folder’s repository. If it just opens up a blank tab, try right clicking on the blank tab and click Close tab, then reopen it like the last step. In order for your Flutter pipeline to be executed, you will need to install, configure (if required) and register Gitlab Runner on a machine preferably a Mac machine for supporting the iOS builds in Flutter with Android. With the repository open as a Project folder in Atom, open up the Git GUI by clicking on the Git button in the bottom right.

Clicking on the GitHub button here will prompt you to input your GitHub credentials (you will need an API token ), and display a list of your repositories to choose from. Click on the CI/CD for external repo tab because our sample code is already hosted on GitHub. They are nothing but machines where your pipeline will be executed. Log into GitLab and create a new project. Gitlab CI uses the Gitlab Runners as their build executors. Part 3 – Configure Gitlab for Flutter CI-CD & Perform Pipeline Actions We will be using Gitlab CI as our CI/CD tool in our current demo.

Now, our Flutter application is ready for its Continuous Integration.
Then in Part 2, we showed you how to Configure Android and iOS Release Modules. In Part 1, you learned how to configure a Flutter application with different flavors. Installation guide for GitLab 10.1 on OS X 10.11. Welcome to Part 3 of setting up a Gitlab CI pipeline for a Flutter project.